Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cristian T.

Before the Debate i had my thoughts all set and was pretty sure who i was picking for the most suitable leader for Rome, but the candidates had a big influence towards my decision. While listening to the debate it was a constant battle in my mind, "Cassius is obviously the best leader" "On second thought, i think its Antony" "Well Brutus does make a point, he deserves it!". Each remark made by the candidates was better than the last and Each Candidate did amazingly well against each other.

My Priority list before the debate was Cassius, Antony, Brutus but my thoughts at the end were surprisingly different. I Chose Cassius as my first because he seemed like the best choice, Persuasive, Intelligent, Knowledgeable.Those 3 traits are what i thought put him at the top for, but Antony quickly made me think otherwise. Antony said that Cassius was manipulative, by making Brutus believe that Caesar was bad.But Cassius rebutted to that by saying that he was just bringing Brutus to a realization of his true potential.

Antony was my second priority because i believed he seemed like the most loyal even though he had a bit of a anger management problem. The other two candidates quickly influenced my opinion greatly by saying his bipolar problem was a great threat for a leader and that he would be unable to control his feelings ((III,i,289-290) "A curse shall light upon the limbs of men; Domestic fury and fierce civil strife Shall cumber all the parts of Italy;...") Antony's rebuttal stated that it was only a emotional reaction to the killing of his best friend Caesar done by Cassius and Brutus.This rebuttal influenced me the greatest by his use of Pathos, stating "What if your best friend was killed and you had a chance to get vengeance? you would most likely do the same".

My last choice was Brutus, mostly because i thought he was a nitwit. The two candidates stated that he was sickly ((II,i,277)"I am not well in health, and that is all") and was persuaded easily. Brutus's rebuttal stated that being sickly was not at all bad and that it didn't take away from being a good leader. He also stated that he did everything for the people. I was hoping that Brutus would bring up that Cassius Deceived him ((II,1,48-49)"Brutus, thou sleep'st. Awake, and see thyself! Shall Rome, etc. Speak, strike, redress!") in order to both, Refute and and Rebute(?) at the same time.

My end choice for leader would have to be Antony, followed by Brutus, and last Cassius. Antony seemed like he would fit for leader the best because of his logical choices.Brutus was second because i felt he did base his choices for the people but his choices still weren't good enough. My last choice was Cassius because he seemed like the most devious and manipulative and overall seemed like a rather sneaky person not fit to be leader.

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